
Saturday, 10 August 2013

C Program for Matrix operations with pointers

/* Program for  Matrix  operations with pointers */
/* Prgram Details :
  Operations covered :
      1) Create()     : for creating and reading m x n elements
                in the given matrix
      2) print()      : diaplays the given matrix
      3) Transpose()  : Creates transpose of the given square matrix
      4) addmat()     : adds two matrices and returns the resultant matrix
      5) multmat()    : multipiles two matrices and returns the resultant matrix
      6) saddle()     : checks whether the given matrix has a saddle point
      7) Magic()      : Checks whether the given matrix is a magic square
      8) Inverse()    : Finds the inverse of the matrix
Out put :>
1)Create First Matrix                                                           
2)Create Second Matrix                                                          
3)Print 1st Matrix                                                              
4)Print 2nd Matrix                                                              
5)Transpose of the 1st Matrix:(transpose stored in the same matrix)             
6)Add two matrices
7)Multiply two matrices                                                         
8)Saddle point in the 1st matrix                                                
9)Inverse of matrix                                                             
10)To check whether the first matrix is a magic square                          
Enter Your Choice : 1                                                           
 Enter the size of the matrix : 2 2                                             
 Enter the data: 2 3 4 5                                                        
1)Create First Matrix                                                           
2)Create Second Matrix                                                          
3)Print 1st Matrix                                                              
4)Print 2nd Matrix                                                              
5)Transpose of the 1st Matrix:(transpose stored in the same matrix)             
6)Add two matrices                                                              
7)Multiply two matrices                                                         
8)Saddle point in the 1st matrix                                                
9)Inverse of matrix                                                             
10)To check whether the first matrix is a magic square                          
Enter Your Choice : 3                                                           
    2    3                                                                      
    4    5                                                                      
1)Create First Matrix                                                           
2)Create Second Matrix                                                          
3)Print 1st Matrix                                                              
4)Print 2nd Matrix                                                              
5)Transpose of the 1st Matrix:(transpose stored in the same matrix)             
6)Add two matrices                                                              
7)Multiply two matrices                                                         
8)Saddle point in the 1st matrix                                                
9)Inverse of matrix                                                             
10)To check whether the first matrix is a magic square                          
Enter Your Choice : 2                                                           
 Enter the size of the matrix :2 2                                              
 Enter the data:3 4 5 6                                                         
1)Create First Matrix                                                           
2)Create Second Matrix                                                          
3)Print 1st Matrix                                                              
4)Print 2nd Matrix                                                              
5)Transpose of the 1st Matrix:(transpose stored in the same matrix)             
6)Add two matrices                                                              
7)Multiply two matrices                                                         
8)Saddle point in the 1st matrix                                                
9)Inverse of matrix                                                             
10)To check whether the first matrix is a magic square                          
Enter Your Choice : 6                                                           
    5    7                                                                      
    9   11                                                                      
1)Create First Matrix                                                           
2)Create Second Matrix                                                          
3)Print 1st Matrix                                                              
4)Print 2nd Matrix                                                              
5)Transpose of the 1st Matrix:(transpose stored in the same matrix)             
6)Add two matrices                                                              
7)Multiply two matrices                                                         
8)Saddle point in the 1st matrix                                                
9)Inverse of matrix                                                             
10)To check whether the first matrix is a magic square                          
Enter Your Choice : 11                         

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